Lessons from Ukraine

The sunflower, the national flower of Ukraine, always a favorite of mine as a symbol of hope and happiness.

Dear President Zelensky and all the people of Ukraine,

What a proud nation you are! You’ve faced down the Russian bear and, though you’ve suffered mightily, you made him turn tail and run at times. He predicted he’d crush you in three days, but you’ve exposed his bluster and shabbiness. You just might chase him back to his sandpile. You’ve held on to your land through sheer determination and dedication to purpose.

I remember the photos of ordinary men saying goodbye to their children as they turned to face the invaders; the grandmothers’ brigade, a number of old women firing rifles at a target, ready to protect their homes; and you, President Zelensky, in your green t-shirt, leading your countryman by standing beside them, inspiring them and all the world with your resolve and courage.

You, all of you, are an example of honor and true patriotism.

How important that you remind the rest of the world of these values at this time when other nations are embracing would-be power-hungry leaders whose self-interest outweighs love of country.

Thank you, people of Ukraine.




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